The Missing Pearl
When some mischievous creatures decided to pinch the village pearl (yes, the one that keeps the village safe from adverse weather and calamities, that one!) to play a prank on Socrates and Pip the dragonfly, the two friends set off on a little bit of an adventure to retrieve it. Did they find it? Well, it's a bit of a story... about staying calm under trying circumstances. The latest in the Socrates series (could one call three books a series already... ) was released today, so if you are planning ahead for the big days at the end of this year, what better gift than a picture book? Another kind of picture book is brewing also... it might even be fit for a coffee table, who knows! More about that in a little while. In the meantime, thanking you for the interest in my little books. It's totally different from painting art pictures, but also not. I guess it's about being creative that keeps the excitement going, and that's all of the honest truth right there. Socrates i...